Your support matters

The Zadie Project has made and distributed 134,209 quarts of soup since 2016 - feeding just under 269,000 people.

We are immensely grateful for any contribution to our vision.

There are many ways to donate to TZP.

  1. Use the form on the right.
    You can easily choose a one-time donation or make it monthly.

  2. Send us a check.
    Make it out to The Zadie Project and mail to:

    The Zadie Project c/o Eric Miller
    2187 Deep Woods Way Marietta, GA 30062

  3. Come in to Souper Jenny.
    Visit one of the five Atlanta locations and make a donation right at the register.

  4. Send a donation on Venmo. @thezadieproject

Thank you for helping us in our quest to end food insecurity in our community.  

All donations are tax-deductible.